- the 400 list
- the complete list (2500 objects)
- David’s notes about the full list
There are three missing objects in h2500.txt and h2500a.txt which I believe may be a result of typing mistakes on the Branchett/Kemble list (tough to avoid with 2500 lines!):
Herschel 340-2 is missing, it should be NGC 3798
The Branchett list, h2500.txt and h2500a.txt identify both NGC 3832 & NGC 3798
as 340-3. It seems likely that NGC 3798 was entered as 340-3 instead of 340-2
in the Branchett list.
Herschel 343-3 is missing, it should be NGC 3983.
The Branchett list, h2500.txt and h2500a.txt identify both NGC 4555 & NGC 3983
as 343-2. It seems likely that NGC 3983 was entered as 343-2 instead of 340-3
in the Branchett list.
Herschel 84-1 is missing, it should be NGC 4725
The Branchett list identified both NGC 4720 & NGC 4725 as 611-3.
84-1=NGC 4725 is in the Astronomical League “400” list. Probably
another typing mistake.
I have also checked the Herschel numbers listed for these objects on the
NGC Project Home Page and they agree with the above suggestions. I
hope this information is interesting and useful to you.
Sincerely Yours,
Bob Mulford
President, Albany Area Amateur Astronomers