The Sun
- small image in visible light 10k gif
- sun visible light 158k gif
- A huge eruptive prominence leaving the sun 261k gif; 203k jpg; 6000k tiff
- nice prominence in UV light 146k jpg (caption)
- X-ray image of the Sun 172k gif
- X-ray image 174k gif
- X-ray image from Yohkoh gif
- radio images of the Sun 140k gif
- sun hydrogen alpha image 149k gif; 34k jpg
- Solar flare in H-alpha 147k gif; 38k jpg
- region around a sunspot 336k gif
- July 91 eclipse by Steve Albers (caption) 431k gif; 143k jpg
- total eclipse from 1977 637k gif
- an nice eclipse image showing prominences 14k gif
- eclipse image showing prominences 74k gif
- solar magnetic fields 170k gif
- X-ray images of the Sun from nascom ftp directory
- Hedgerow Prominence 49k gif
- Loops Prominence 76k gif
- Prominenece 78k gif
- Red Corona taken in Fe 13 line 141k gif
- Solar Activity due to sunspot cycle 210k gif
- Sunspot Group showing granulation 335k gif
- White Light Solar Image 171k gif
- A diagram of the Sun 233k gif; 108k jpg; 5000k tiff
- Solar corona and a prominence 174k quicktime
- The xray Sun over 27 days flc
- Nov 94 Eclipse 15000k quicktime; 3100k mpeg
- Video clip from Our Star the Sun – The Sun’s past – 5000k AVI
- Video clip from Our Star the Sun describing the Sun – 14000k AVI
- Corona Animation showing solar prominences 1200k AVI
- 3d movie of convection 1000k mpeg
Other Resources
- List of other resources
- Current solar images (updated daily) html
- eclipse images and movies ftp dir; html from Goddard; html from Bernie Verreau
- GOES-9 images of an eclipse html
- The Sun: a Pictorial Introduction, A Slide Set by P. Charbonneau and O.R. White html