Alt | altitude |
AO | adaptive optics |
ATM | amateur telescope maker |
Az | azimuth |
CCD | charge coupled device (electronic imager) |
Dec | declination |
Dob | Dobsonian mounted telescope (also Dobs or Dobbie) |
EP | eyepiece |
FDR | Field DeRotator |
FPK | Fremont Peak State Park (favorite site of Silicon Valley observers) |
GEG | Giant Easy Guider (Lumicon) |
GEM | German equatorial mount |
GPS | Global Positioning System |
Mak | Maksutov (-Cassegrain telescope) |
MAPUG | Meade Advanced Products User Group |
Newt | Newtonian telescope |
OAG | Off axis guider |
OTA | optical tube assembly |
PEC | periodic error correction |
PV | PictorView (also PView) |
RA | right ascension |
SBIG | Santa Barbara Instruments Group (CCD manufacturer) |
TSP | Texas Star Party |
SEDS | Students for the Exploration and Development of Space |
SCT | Schmidt-Cassegrain Telescope |
AFAIK | as far as I know |
BTW | by the way |
FAQ | Frequently Asked Question(s) |
FWIW | for what its worth |
FYI | for your information |
IMHO | in my humble opinion |
OT | off topic |
OTOH | on the other hand |
RSN | real soon now (usually meaning the opposite) |
TIA | thanks in advance |
TLA | three letter acronym |
TNSTAAFL | there’s no such thing as a free lunch |
WOT | way off topic |
🙂 | smile |
🙁 | frown |
😉 | winky smile |
Bill Arnett; additions & corrections welcome; last updated: 1998 Nov 10