Moon Phase for Saturday February 24th, 2024

Information about the current phase of the moon, and upcoming phases for February 24th, 2024.

Moon Phase for Saturday Feb 24th, 2024

The current moon phase for February 24th, 2024 is the Full Moon phase.

On this day, the moon is 14.05 days old and 99.62% illuminated with a tilt of 183.106°. The approximate distance from Earth to the moon is 405,343.69 km and the moon sign is Leo.

The Moon phase for February 24th, 2024 is the Full Moon phase. In this phase, the moon is 100% illuminated when seen from Earth (hence the name Full Moon).

The Full Moon happens when the moon is on the opposite side of the Earth from the Sun. The sunlight fully illuminated the moon, and this is what we call being "full". The moon will be visible throughout the night sky as it rises at sunset in the east, transits the meridian at midnight, before setting at sunrise in the west.

The specific point at which the Full Moon occurs can be measured down to a fraction of a second. The time that passes between full moons is called the Synodic month and is 29.530587981 days long.

Fun fact: lunar eclipses can only happen within a few days of the Full Moon, but they don't happen for every Full Moon because the moon's orbit has a 5.1° tilt around the Earth compared to Earth's orbit around the Sun. Only when the intersection of these two orbits is pointing towards the centre of the Moon do we get a lunar eclipse.

Moon Phase Details - Feb 24th, 2024

Phase: Full Moon

Moon age: 14.05 days

Moon illumination: 99.62%

Moon tilt: 183.106°

Moon angle: 0.49

Moon distance: 405,343.69 km

Moon sign: Leo

Moon Phase Calendar

Want to view the moon phase for a specific date? Use the handy calendar below to find any date you like and see what the current phase of the moon was for that date.

Upcoming Moon Phases

Below are the upcoming moon phase dates and times. For more information on each of the phases, you can click the link to find out more.

Last Quarter

03 March

New Moon

10 March

First Quarter

17 March

Full Moon

25 March